God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.’ (Psalm 46 verse 1)
- These words of Psalm 46 come to calm to our fears and provide a comfort in these days.
- In troubled times, our lives will change but we can run to our unchanging God for shelter and for strength.
- Part of these changes will be that all our services, meetings and small groups will not be gathering together in person until further notice.
Due to Coronavirus, our usual Sundays have changed.
Our Sunday services continue at 10:30am and 5:30pm both in church and also on Zoom.
Our Sunday School at 2:00pm is on-site at 91, The Avenue as are the Monday and Tuesday evening Youth Clubs.
Our Prayer Meeting and Bible Study are also on Zoom,
If you are using Zoom for the first time, click here.
If you have the Zoom app (recommended), simply join using the Meeting ID and Password as below.
Sunday Mornings (10:30am start and Zoom opens at 10:20am)
Enter Meeting ID 979 6758 9683
Enter Password: Email shaun@hettonimchurch.org or text 07733093519 for the password
Monday Evenings (7:15pm start and Zoom opens at 7:10pm):
Enter Meeting ID 963 8079 3066
Enter Password: Email shaun@hettonimchurch.org or text 07733093519 for the password
Friday Night Quizzes at 7:00pm with Zoom opening at 6:55pm:
Enter Meeting 850 2805 2716
Enter Password: email shaun@hettonimchurch.org or text 07733093519 for the password
How to listen over the phone:
- The access number is 0330 088 5830, which is chargeable at local rate within the UK. (If engaged try 0131 460 1196 or 0203 481 5237)
- You will be prompted to enter the meeting ID (see above) followed by the hash key (#).
- You will then be asked for a participant id, just type #
- You will then be asked for a password. Please email shaun@hettonimchurch.org or text 07733093519 for the password
- Service followed by the hash key (#).
- You will be able to hear the livestream audio. Enjoy!
You can continue to use the contact form to get in touch with us at this time.