Blessing service with Eppleton School Choir

Eppleton School choir led the special blessing service for Caras Aaliyah Carr. They opened with a selection of African chant songs, all sung unaccompanied, and finished with modern and upbeat renditions. The choir was led by Mrs. Quinn and the service was conducted by...

School visit by Eppleton Primary School Choir

Eppleton School choir were our special guests today. They led the service with songs old and new and obviously enjoyed singing as much as everyone enjoyed listening. Mrs. Quinn led the choir with much enthusiasm which obviously rubbed off on the children. Well done to...

The Bible Comes Alive

Hetton IM Church recently ‘Came alive’ to over 110 school children who visited from the local schools. We hold a ‘Bilble Comes Alive’ event every year welcoming helpers from various IM churches who act out and tell the story of the life of...

Church Weekend Away Headway Hotel, Morecambe

Hetton IM church moved to Morecambe for the Church weekend this year and stayed at the Headway Hotel, where we were well fed and watered both physically and spiritually. About 37 men, women and young people travelled to share fellowship and to hear what God had to say...

Sponsored events in aid of Cancer Research

Monday 18th May 2009 On Monday 18th May the young people held a coffee evening in support of Cancer research. They made and sold cakes and during the evening Margeret Blenkinsop was sponsored to have her head shaved. Over £400 was raised. This will be added to the...